Innovation for people who bake globally
Amaranth flour EXTRA
TM (Montezuma)
Dosage: 100%

Description: 100% amaranth flour made with BakeLab's unique technology.


Low glycemic index.

Balanced composition of all essential amino acids.

Amaranth protein fully replaces protein of animal origin.

Contains squalene (2.5 grams per 1 kg of flour).

Amaranth flour is intended for the production of a wide range of pastry and culinary products without gluten and with a low glycemic index at the same time. Organoleptic indicators of finished products based on it are close to products made of traditional types of flour. Due to its high nutritional value, a full and balanced set of essential amino acids, as well as high squalene content, it can be used to create a new and unique assortment, as well as serve as an enrichment of recipes for products made from other types of flour.

Technological aspects
  • In recipes of flour pastry products it is used as a 100% replacer of wheat flour.
  • It is used similarly to wheat flour.
  • For cakes, muffins, cupcakes, pancakes and snacks.
  • Ideal for use in conjunction with functional sugar substitutes.
  • For all types of depositing equipment.
  • Suitable for all types of ovens.
  • The dough is resistant to freezing and defrosting.
Marketing aspects
Unique set of properties of amaranth flour “Extra”
TM “Montezuma” allows solving new problems in the field of creating ready-made products for healthy, proper, special and sports nutrition. Ready-made products based on it become in demand for a whole group of consumer segments at once, which was impossible before. One example is gluten-free products made of amaranth flour, which do not contain starch in their composition and are suitable for athletes, diabetics and people on a diet. Amaranth protein fully replaces protein of animal origin, which opens wide opportunities for creating a new range of products, and the high content of squalene will give additional and unique competitive advantages.
Please contact our specialists for recipes and technological support.